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I was telling Claire about the terrible performance of my consultant neurologist in a case I did yesterday. She replied,
‘My pupilmistress used to say that you should never trust experts. As she put it, the ‘x’ stands for the unknown factor and the ‘spurt’ is simply a drip under pressure.’

Then she smiled and added,
‘Though maybe it was nerves? After all, a neurologist can hardly avoid nerves in his line of work.’
‘Just like work for an accountant must be incredible taxing?’ I replied.
‘Exactly and crazy being a psychiatrist.’
‘Shocking to be an electrician.’
‘And foul to be a chicken-farmer.’

We were giggling now.
‘Backbreaking for an orthopaedic surgeon,’ I said.
‘Worse than pulling teeth to be a dentist,’ said Claire.
‘A complete grind,’ I replied.
‘You know,’ she went on, ‘I once had a dentist with a great sense of humour. He lived in a house called High Pulham and had a boat named Fylmacavity and a coat of arms with the motto Lucram per cariem, which apparently means “prosperity from decay”.’

BabyBarista is a fictional account of a junior barrister written by Tim Kevan. You can buy the latest BabyBarista novel, 'Law and Peace' on Amazon. The cartoons are by Alex Williams, author of The Queen's Counsel Lawyer's Omnibus.


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