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Testiculators, blamestormers and seagulls

OldSmoothie was in the clerks' room this morning reading out an email that he'd received. "It has a few new words which I thought might be applied to lawyers. The first is the blamestormer who sits around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible." "Solicitors, definitely," said TheVamp which was followed by nods of approval at that categorisation. "Then there's the testiculator," he continued, "who waves his arms around and talks a lot of old, er, balls." "Barristers," said SlipperySlope who was in chambers delivering a brief. "Fair cop," smiled TheVamp. "Then there's the seagull manager," said OldSmoothie, "which they say is a manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, drops his, er, stuff, on everything from a great height and then leaves." A chorus of "Judges" came from all assembled. BabyBarista is a fictional account of a junior barrister written by Tim Kevan whose new novel is Law and Peace. For more information and to read past posts visit Cartoons by Alex Williams, author of 101 Ways to Leave the Law.

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